The cult all started in the early 1960s when infamous siblings Santos and Cayetano Hernández, known as the Hernández brothers, took complete control of the 50 or so villagers in a small town called Yerba Buena. Continue reading to learn more about the Mexican streetwalker-turned-cult leader, Magdalena Solís. This is the true story of the High Priestess of Blood. There are tales of bizarre ceremonies including ritual human sacrifices, bloodletting, and mandatory sexual relations. In the case of the cult run by Magdalena Solís, the members weren't so much devoted followers as they were straight-up slaves for the sexual whims of the leaders and High Priestess of Blood herself. While dangerous cults seem to have always existed, it's still shocking to hear about members who have devoted themselves to a sect, only to end up being terminated by the cult itself. Over the course of several months in the early 1960s, a small Mexican village was subjected to forced sexual relations, brutality, and even the loss of lives, all at the hands of the Hernández brothers via the Solís cult.

Magdalena Solís was one of the leaders of a savage Mexican cult that was responsible for the brutal demises of at least eight people.