#Set query timeout in postico password#
# Ruby's `Timeout` doesn't prevent queries from running for a long time. REDISPASSWORD Password for the Redis server.

Enter the connection settings listed below. From here, you can enter parameter values to connect with Adobe Experience Platform. The dialog for connection settings appears. param stmt the JDBC Statement object param dataSource the DataSource that the Connection was obtained from param timeout the timeout to apply (or 0 for no timeout outside of a transaction) throws SQLException if thrown by JDBC methods see java.sql.

To expand on the accepted answer, here's how one could implement a module DatabaseTimeout, that also makes sure to reset the statement_timeout setting back to its original value. To connect Postico to Query Service, open Postico and select New Favorite. / Apply the specified timeout - overridden by the current transaction timeout, if any - to the given JDBC Statement object.